Friday 1 August 2008

Russian Standard

Drinking vodka in Russia is like a toast of some sort, Russians enjoy toasting throughout meals, especially where guests are present. Toasts to family, friends and women are common, even at the most informal of dinners. It is obligatory to respond by downing a shot of vodka. My colleague was shocked when his client, after a good presentation, suddenly got up and said "Cheers" and offered vodka shots…Russians would drink vodka anyday, anytime, anywhere

Vodka shots are typically followed by eating something salty such as a pickle, herring or bit of sausage. I preferred “gherkin” which acts as a neutralising agent. People who are unaccustomed to this manner of drinking will soon find themselves under the table. If you have the fortune to attend a wedding, make sure to take pictures. You will hardly remember your "antics"

As far as vodka is concerned, Russians say “warm on the inside, cold on the outside”. They believe that vodka acts somewhat like antifreeze element. It actually seems to keep you warm, but it might be a perception. Much of what you have heard about vodka consumption in Russia is probably not far off the mark. It is definitely the preferred drink throughout the country. Heck, they even put in the beer. Yep, there are certain brands of beer that come with a number on them. The numbers range from one to seven or 10. The larger the number, the more vodka there is in the beer. If you don’t know this before buying one of these brands, you can be in for a shock after your second beer.

Standard Russian Vodka is one of the best I would recommend because every time we tried, it was simply superb.

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