Wednesday 8 October 2008

Pub Lunch and Beer Fridge

I remember, few years back, while I was working for an MNC based in India, a colleague of mine went overboard and had a beer during lunch time. I guess he felt that was the best way to beat the Bombay heat. Poor chap almost got fired for taking that liberty perhaps even today I believe most of the firms in India would treat this as a serious offence. For next couple of weeks, HR people were after his skin just made him look alcoholic...

As I fast forward now to 2008, every day I see pubs around the London city full of working class, having lunch along with beer (obviously it is English culture). Infact every friday evening an hour before we wind up, we get an official email that beer is being served for employees, which is like a kick off leading to the weekend. Sometimes, even the management team act as host. They introduce themselves and speak to employees casually and laugh and joke around. Interestingly the management feels that such social events are desperately needed. Infact every week, this fridge is hosted by different teams which compels everyone to go to that specific area in the building or campus and get introduced to the host team. Last week we hosted it… Point is what a contrast in organisation culture...

1 comment:

Gautam Raisinghani said...

It's not only organisational culture but CULTURE on the whole.